
Embracing AI Whilst Understanding Its Limits

Why LLMs hallucinate, and what you can do about it.

New Flash Copywriter for Marketing Pros

A new framework to generate dynamic content.

Free Flash Translation for English Editing Clients

Natural-sounding, high-quality translations that need only a quick review for accuracy.

The Crucial Role of Native English Editors

When content is the currency of engagement, brands cannot afford to have anything less than perfection.

AI-Assisted Business Translation

The nuanced expertise of human translators is not just an asset; it's a necessity for AI calibration.

The Rise of AI in Language Services

A misstep in language can mean a misstep in business.

AI Use Cases

Integrating AI into communication frameworks is no longer a choice, it’s a strategic imperative.

Human Oversight of AI

Relying solely on AI-generated content poses inherent risks that can be mitigated through the implementation of human oversight.

AI Limits

Understanding the five things that LLMs are not good at.

AI-Assisted Business Translation

The nuanced expertise of human translators is not just an asset; it’s a necessity for AI calibration.

AI Use Cases

Integrating AI into communication frameworks is no longer a choice, it’s a strategic imperative.

Human Oversight of AI

Relying solely on AI-generated content poses inherent risks that can be mitigated through the implementation of human oversight.

AI Limits

Understanding the five things that LLMs are not good at.